These are some clip that came about during the production of the trailer for Korvoros. The main thing that I learned from this exercise, is that producing trailers takes a long time. Fortunately, not as long as writing the novel.
A ... thing ... from outer space has found Timothy Saugers with a plan in mind.
An interesting "thing" indeed, who has just come back from the Dead Zone. No one ever comes back from the Dead Zone.
Risha Dyrrya in the corridor of Earthship. She is Timothy's unreasonable alien crush. This is not my idea version of her, but I was constrained because I couldn't properly animate native 3ds Max hair. I need more software.
Approaching the central docking tower of the Arcoran city Dosh Kravek.
An earlier concept of Dosh Kravek, which I really like but which doesn't match the text too well, and instead was inspired by the architecture of the capital at Central System.
An overwhelmingly powerful battle fleet from the "Emul Empire" seems to come from nowhere.
The enigmatic world of Kria-Ki. As the Noryx learned, don't screw with them.
Or their saucer.
Earthship escapes captivity at the enemy base on Karsh Kaila.
The Oracle is Kria-Ki's most mysterious and powerful inhabitant. It knew of Timothy Saugers 2000 years before he was born.
Jemah Hahrl's research station on Darhshannah attempts to defend itself from attack.
At the center of the galaxy is ... something ... that is behind the Dead Zone.
Approaching the final confrontation: Timothy and Korvoros.
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