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Lisa Calell's Disconnected: Wow! Good 'til the Last Page

By Duane

There have been a lot of books that I couldn't put down because they were so exciting.  There have been others that I've put down (some never to pick up again) because they were so dull.  But Disconnected might be the first book I had to put down because it was too emotionally intense to handle all at once.  I was blown so far out of the water that I landed a quarter mile ashore.

The emotional impact is so effective it dazzles me.  The story is about Katie, a young married woman who suffered some unspeakable sexual abuse as a teenager and who still carries that baggage.  Although she loves her husband dearly, she isn't certain of it herself, and has never been able to tell him so.  She fears both the past and the future, and is hardly comfortable with the present.  She experiences horror, fear, and uncertainty daily, and all in piercing ferocity.

Calell - DisconnectedMore to the point. as I read the novel, I felt it too.

I am male, so although it remains a theoretical possibility, kidnapping and rape has never been an immediate concern for me.  I knew it must be traumatic, but only from an abstract perspective.  Now I know it from experience, even if vicarious.  To take an horrific personal experience like that, suffered by thousands of women every day, and instill it into the heart of a man who never had to worry about it takes a special kind of writer.

As a matter of fact, I identified more strongly with Katie than I did her husband Chris, even though I have never known such trauma.  Calell breaks down any gender boundaries and tells a woman's story that breaks the hearts of men.  I have something to say to any men who read the book and are not similarly affected: get some therapy!

Page after page, the reader shares in Katie's tribulations, her struggles, her courage in facing the source of her fears, her determination of the future. It's not a roller coaster; it's more of a crash dive in an old rattletrap submarine, where you have to hold your breath and hope for the best. Disconnected is a powerful, powerful telling of a dismal and terrifying story.

Now, I need to point out that when I wrote "Good 'til the Last Page," I meant that literally.  It was pretty much the last page I didn't like.  The impact of the ending is one of those things that is going to be different for different readers, so I don't want to dissuade anyone from reading the book, but you should do so with a certain amount of emotional fortitude and with your feet braced against the floorboard.

Update: The author as since advised me that the end of Disconnected is not actually the end of the story.  I was hoping that was the case.

Another update: I just saw one the author's tweet quoting someone's comment, "“An intense, emotional journey that will leave you disconnected."  Hmmm....  As it turns out, I considered that.  Namely that she intended the ending to leave the reader feeling that way.  That still doesn't mean I liked it, but if that was the case, then it represents a piece of truly skillful writing  Knowing it is not truly the end, I am awaiting the sequel.


Spoiler: Why I Hate the Ending

I keep using this example, so I should try to track down where I read it, but some science fiction author — I think Robert Silverberg — advised aspiring writers that one does not tell a tale of astronauts laboring to repair their spaceship to escape from an asteroid only to have them smashed to bits by a meteor as they take off.

There are a lot of meteors.

I believe the best of the Alien franchise is the second, Aliens.  It is intense, fast-paced, and breathtaking.  The bad guy gets eaten, or worse, and the people we really care about — Ripley, Hicks, Newt, and Bishop — all escape alive.  Not necessarily in one piece, but at least functional.  Then, Alien 3 started out with the meteor: no they didn't.  They're all dead but Ripley.  In a few short moments, it managed to retroactively ruin Aliens for me, and became one of the few movies that I would rate with negative stars if any web site would allow me to do so.

Katie tossed me a meteor.

I had a huge emotional investment in her.  I had cried for her, hoped for her, dreamed for her.  I all but gave her a standing ovation when she finally confronted her abuser, Casey, as I knew she must.  Then she squandered it all.

She devastated the man who had done nothing but love her and put up with her crap for eight years.  She tossed out her dreams.  She betrayed her mother.  In short, Casey won.  He got everything he wanted — mastery over her, denying her to Chris, controlling her life — and she handed it to him on a silver platter of her own making.  She ballooned the tragedy to include so many others. In truth, this end was foreshadowed, but foreshadowing alone does not justify an ending, and in this case it doesn't seem to be the one that should logically follow from the story.

In all fairness, Calell does promise another book, Reconnected.  I can only hope that it continues the story of Katie to the point where Casey is defeated and the readers can get some closure.  Also in fairness, if the author's objective was to communicate trauma, she did that admirably.

It is interesting that reviews on Amazon are all over the place; it's almost one of those love it or hate it books.  I guess I'm in the "love it," category, except for the ending, of course.  There are some valid complaints about technique and editing, but it is immensely readable, and for a self-published novel, fairly clean.  There were a few mistakes here and there, but nothing that should justify not enjoying the story.  I will spend quite a long time thinking of an author who touched my heart so effectively.



by Lisa Calell on 2013 Aug 08

Thank you Duane, I am glad you enjoyed Disconnected. So the last page was not your favourite - is the last page of any book ever anyones favourite? The story will continue, I will be in touch nearer the time. Thank you again.

by Paul Rega on 2013 Aug 08

I loved this book--Lisa Calell is a master story teller---anxious to read more from this very talented author!

by Van on 2013 Aug 14

Thanks Duane. This looks like a good one. I will have to add it to my "to be read."

by Brian V. Menard, Author on 2013 Aug 15

Wow! This sounds like a really great story! I've added it to my "Must Read" list! :)

by Lisa Calell on 2013 Aug 15

Thank you for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed it too - makes it all worthwhile :)

by Kristine Cayne on 2013 Aug 15

Congratulations on the great review, Lisa!

by Michelle Matkins on 2013 Aug 15

I've added this book to my Must Read List! :-)

by Jane Carroll on 2013 Aug 15

Sounds like a great story...well done!

by Natalie G. Owens on 2013 Aug 17

What a compelling review! I can't wait to read this book. Well done!

by J.P. Lane. on 2013 Aug 18

Great review! I just happened to have downloaded Disconnected recently. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

by Marge on 2013 Oct 11

Just downloaded this on my kindle even though I stopped purchasing books that have a sequel. Too many authors are doing this now and it is maddening when you have to wait to find out what happens. By the time the next one is out I can't remember the complete story. I am making an exception with this book, I hope I don't have to wait too long for the next installment. Marge

by Lisa Calell on 2013 Aug 08

Thank you Duane, I am glad you enjoyed Disconnected. So the last page was not your favourite - is the last page of any book ever anyones favourite? The story will continue, I will be in touch nearer the time. Thank you again.

by Paul Rega on 2013 Aug 08

I loved this book--Lisa Calell is a master story teller---anxious to read more from this very talented author!

by Van on 2013 Aug 14

Thanks Duane. This looks like a good one. I will have to add it to my "to be read."

by Brian V. Menard, Author on 2013 Aug 15

Wow! This sounds like a really great story! I've added it to my "Must Read" list! :)

by Lisa Calell on 2013 Aug 15

Thank you for your kind words. Glad you enjoyed it too - makes it all worthwhile :)

by Kristine Cayne on 2013 Aug 15

Congratulations on the great review, Lisa!

by Michelle Matkins on 2013 Aug 15

I've added this book to my Must Read List! :-)

by Jane Carroll on 2013 Aug 15

Sounds like a great story...well done!

by Natalie G. Owens on 2013 Aug 17

What a compelling review! I can't wait to read this book. Well done!

by J.P. Lane. on 2013 Aug 18

Great review! I just happened to have downloaded Disconnected recently. I'm really looking forward to reading it.

by Marge on 2013 Oct 11

Just downloaded this on my kindle even though I stopped purchasing books that have a sequel. Too many authors are doing this now and it is maddening when you have to wait to find out what happens. By the time the next one is out I can't remember the complete story. I am making an exception with this book, I hope I don't have to wait too long for the next installment. Marge

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