Progress Report on Rebuilding Web Site

2024 May 01Home page back online
2024 May 06Menu system online, but there are still broken links and broken pages
2024 May 08Series and Archive modules in sidebar, advertising banners
2024 May 10Quick search, sidebar WIP module
2024 May 12Basic login/out functionality. No registration or password recovery yet.
2024 May 22Modal dialogs, post editing and preview, image gallery and gallery uploads
2024 May 27Some database glitches, XML validation of submitted pages
2024 May 29Display of comments, "Spoiler" short code, SEO-friendly permlinks




Software I Do

By Duane

He who lives by the computer dies by the computer.

I don't know if anyone ever said that before, and if so, I'm not even sure that it's true.  But if it is, I know how I'll die.  I do have tools in the conventional sense: mechanics tools, power tools with cords that plug into the wall, an oxy-acetylene torch.  And I use them as required.  But what I live by, what I would probably be lost without, are software tools.

If you're an anime geek and recognize the anime, you will get the reference. If not, my condolences.

This is not an exhaustive list; it doesn't include games, social media stuff like TweetDeck, Skype, and so forth.  It is only a list of skills and tools I use professionally. or at least productively, though some of the items I neglected can be arguably called productive. A recent post mention mentions five critical pieces of software in my graphics workflow with mention that there are others.  Of course, there are other workflows, too.  Here is the grand list, and I'm not about to guarantee that I've not left something out.

Can I do everything?  Heck, no!  One thing comes to mind immediately.  I can do 3D modelling and rendering, and have done OpenGL programming, but real shader programming?  I'd have to start from scratch.

This is just to let you know how hopelessly dependent I am on bits and bytes.

Software Development

  1. General Languages

    C/C++, Java, PHP, SQL, Delphi, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

    I have Python, but never really got to using it, and lots of languages from the past.  Simscript?  Really?

  2. Platforms

    MS Windows, Linux, .NET

    Virtualbox for virtual environments

  3. IDEs and editors

    NetBeans, Code::Blocks (gcc or Borland compilers), Notepad++

  4. Web development environment

    Apache, MySQL, Tomcat, Flash, Firefox development tools

  5. Design and Management

    Rational Rose, ArgoUML, DBDesigner, yEd, ProjectLibre

  6. Computer maintenance

    Cobian Backup, Defraggler, TreeSize, Agent Ransack, ESET Smart Security, MalwareBytes, AdAware, Spybot, PeaZip

  7. Other

    GitHub, WinSCP, SSH, Telnet, Cisco VPN client, CommView


  1. Word processors

    Scrivener, Lotus Word Pro, MS Office

  2. E-book preparation

    Calibre, Sigil, KindleGen, Kindle Previewer

  3. Research

    Mendeley, Zotero, The  Internet

  4. Special tools

    FontLab, WordWeb, Oxford English Dictionary, MuseScore

Science and Mathematics

  1. Mathematics

    Mathematica, MATLAB, LAPACK, Excel, SciLab, R

  2. Drawing

    MathType, ACD ChemSketch

  3. Chemistry

    Avogadro, VMD, OpenBabel

  4. Astronomy

    Stellarium, Celestia, Cartes du Ceil


  1. Drafting

    AutoCAD, TurboCAD

  2. Electronics

    KiCAD, PSPICE, AVR Studio


  1. 3D modeling

    3ds Max, DAZ Studio, Mudbox, V-Ray Rendering Engine (really want HairFarm!)

  2. Raster and vector graphics

    CorelDraw, PhotoPaint, (Illustrator and Photoshop, occasionally), Filter Forge, Fantamorph  PaintShop Pro, Corel Painter

  3. Video compositing and processing

    After Effects, Composite, DVD Lab Pro, VirtualDub, Handbrake, MKVmergeGUI, AutoGordianKnot, AviDemux, MakeMKV, AviSynth, Subtitle Workshop, Easy Subtitles Synchronizer

  4. Terrain generation

    Bryce, World Machine

  5. Audio

    Audition, Audacity, WaveEditor, AV Voice Changer

  6. Presentation

    Powerpoint, Adobe Acrobat, DjView

  7. Other

    ImgBurn, VLC


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