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Coming Soon - 2016

By Duane

Yes, I know The White Shamitz was supposed to be out in 2015. It would have been had certain things not happened, most of which you probably don't want to hear about. The one that might interest you is that a writer friend talked me into participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), so I spent most of November writing a novel. It's the first in the Invisible War series, and now it's something else in the queue to revise and publish.

But not to worry. The White Shamitz is coming along fine, and I expect it to be out in March. Close behind it should be Nemesis, and I might succeed in getting The Humanity Experiment out this year. If so, that'll be a record for me. Either way, these three are next in the pipeline.

The White Shamitz

The White ShamitzBook Three in The Saga of Banak-Zuur

Following a freak catastrophe aboard Jupiter Station, a pair of young people accidentally invoke the Red Shamitz and find themselves on a world at least millions of light-years from Earth. There, they discover the entire Shamitz system, technology left by a vanished race, technology so advanced that humans can't begin to comprehend it. There are six Shamitzen on Shraka, but a seventh, the enigmatic White Shamitz, a primary control system for the other six, is on its way, and once it achieves cohesion, it will have virtually unlimited power to create and destroy. Unfortunately, it seems to have something against them and is making their lives miserable. Telepathy, artificial consciousness, an interstellar empire, and a non-human little girl with no voice but monumental courage. Brad and Kristy explore hundreds of worlds — and romance — before they finally discover the dazzling secret of the White Shamitz.


NemesisWhat? Duane write a police drama? Truthfully, though, you have to know it's something weird. There is a good argument for calling this story social fantasy.

Someone is executing child molesters, and leaving behind no forensic evidence other than a hand-lettered calling card reading, "Nemesis". Almost none of the victims are even on the police radar, so how is the perp locating them with such deadly efficiency, and how is he or she persuading them to decrypt the child pornography on their computers before they die? Completely stumped, the Philadelphia police department calls in an ex-CIA operative, now a highly-sought police consultant with the reputation for solving the impossible. When at last she makes a shocking suggestion that fits the facts, none of them can guess her idea doesn't even come close to the truth. And the police are not the only ones seeking the executioner; the child molesters still alive are starting to fight back.

The Humanity Experiment

The Humanity ExperimentBook Four in The Saga of Banak-Zuur

Erik Sørensen is a science nerd, and naturally something of a loner, but curious about everything. When an odd little girl shows up at his door one winter morning asking him about a mysterious crystal box she has found that is bigger on the inside than the outside, he can't resist. That decision leads him to another world, another life, another reality. He encounters Jaxidreshny, the weirdest, geekiest, but somehow sexiest girl he has ever met. He doesn't know at the time they both are part of an experiment to learn the role of the human species in the universe, but when a mysterious force wrenches the experiment away from the experimenters for another purpose, they realize there is something grand in the works. The unknown force leads them to a parallel universe and a galaxy nearly taken over by an authoritarian empire. At the galaxy's core: a "Spirit of War" that they can feel from thousands of light-years away. Before they can hope to solve the riddle of the Guuludin Galaxy or find a way home, they must decipher the purpose of the new experimenters.


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