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Coming Soon

By Duane

Coming in 2016

The White Shamitz

The White ShamitzAn asteroid collision six years ago. A threat to Jupiter Station. Two young people, Kristy Zeigenfeld and Brian McKenna, narrowly escape with their lives in a pod. A freak incident activates a forgotten alien device — the Red Shamitz — that spirits them away to the planet Shraka on the far side of the universe. There the nightmare begins.

With no apparent way home, they make the best of it and explore their new world, finding remnants of the civilization whose technology brought them there, unspeakably ancient, and unspeakably powerful. But all this raises the question: if the creators were that omnipotent, what destroyed them?

There are six Shamitzen on Shraka, but a seventh, the enigmatic White Shamitz, a primary control system for the other six, is on its way, and once it achieves cohesion, it will have virtually unlimited power to create and destroy. Unfortunately, it seems to have something against them and is making their lives miserable.

Telepathy, artificial consciousness, an interstellar empire, and transport mirrors that lead to a myriad of other worlds, upon none of which they are safe.

On one of those worlds is a young humanoid girl, Mellia, who discovers some ancient technology of the creators herself, technology that that might be the clue that exposes the startling truth about the White Shamitz.


NemesisChild rapists all.  Yesterday, they were secure, satisfied, smug, and below the radar of both Special Victims and Child Welfare.  Today, they're dead.

Each one executed professionally with three precision shots, one to send a message and the others to send death.  There are no signs of forced entry or struggle, and no clues left behind other than a hand-lettered calling card that says, "Nemesis."  Even more mysteriously, the killer has gotten the victims to decrypt the child porn on their computers so there is no doubt about their guilt.

It has to be a highly trained mercenary, but that leaves the motive up in the air.

If detectives Wickham and Starr are stymied by the lack of evidence, they are even more stymied by how the perpetrator is able to locate child molesters that the police had never heard of, and to do it fast and efficiently, sometimes two or three a day.  When Special Forces/S.W.A.T consultant Evelyn Sowolski suggests a shocking and terrifying possibility, no one suspects that the truth is even more bizarre.

And now they face competition. No longer is it just the police seeking the executioner; the surviving child molesters are starting to fight back.

 Coming in 2016/2017

The Humanity Experiment

The Humanity ExperimentErik Sørensen is a science nerd, and naturally something of a loner, but curious about everything. When a strange little girl shows up at his door one winter morning asking him about a mysterious crystal box she has found that is bigger on the inside than the outside, he can’t resist. That decision leads him to another world, another reality, another life.

On the world with no name, he encounters Jaxidreshny, the weirdest, geekiest, brassiest, but somehow sexiest girl he has ever met. He doesn’t know at the time they both are part of an experiment to learn the role of the human species in the universe. When a mysterious force wrenches the experiment away from the experimenters for a purpose of its own, the pair realize there is a greater plan afoot than anyone had ever imagined.

While Erik and Jaxidreshny struggle to bridge the yawning chasm between human and Kyattoni psychology, sexuality, and culture, the unknown force leads them to a parallel universe and a galaxy nearly taken over by an authoritarian regime. At the galaxy’s core: a “Spirit of War”, which they can feel from thousands of light-years away. In charge of a ragtag band of displaced human children and accompanied by a young Arkavikan psychic and her boyfriend, they desperately plunge headlong into the center of the Guuludin Galaxy.

But before they can hope to solve the riddle of the Spirit of War, or find a way home, they must decipher the purpose of the unknown powers now experimenting on them.


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